Pairings released for 37th annual Virginia Duals

2017 Participating College Teams

Listing of teams for the 2017 Virginia Duals in the two college divisions. SchoolNicknameLocationCoachDivision/Conference National College Division Arizona StateSun DevilsTempe, ArizonaZeke JonesPac-12 BucknellBisonLewisburg, PennsylaniaDan WirnsbergerEIWA...
Pairings released for 37th annual Virginia Duals

2017 Virginia Duals Round by Round Schedule

Thursday, January 12th 5:00 p.m. National College Coaches Meeting, Hampton Coliseum 5:30 p.m. American College Coaches Meeting, Hampton Coliseum 7:00 p.m. 37th Anniversary Coaches Social at The Embassy Suites Hotel Friday, January 13th 9:00 a.m. National College, 1st...